Jahan Dotson or JSN Rest of season? Full PPR.

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  • Author
    • #3984
      Henry Gormley
      • 16

      A guy in my league just dropped Jahan Dotson to waivers, should I drop JSN to get him?

    • #3985
      • 210
      On Henry Gormley said

      <p>A guy in my league just dropped Jahan Dotson to waivers, should I drop JSN to get him?</p>

      It’s hard to say without knowing who is going to get hurt, but Washington passes a ton vs Seattle who run more often. Based on that, Dotson

    • #3992
      Charles Fox
      • 615

      Neither one of them is setting the world on fire. But to date Dotson would be the one to own. I am assuming that this is redraft?

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